Shifting Horizons Certification

Interested in becoming a Certified Shifting Horizons Facilitator?

We want Shifting Horizons to be available to as many people as possible including facilitators, those doing the self-assessment for personal development, and business leaders wanting to develop people and the culture in an organisation. We hold the work of human development with integrity and respect for all persons and that learning is a social and mutual process in action.

The Shifting Horizons Certification

In collaboration with the Vertical Development Institute, we've crafted an online, self-paced programme to deepen your understanding of the action-logics assessed in Shifting Horizons, support you with attaining a high standard of practical skills and confidence to use and debrief the Shifting Horizons tool with your clients and customers, and, importantly to include you as a member of our Shifting Horizons Global Community.

For any questions or assistance, please reach out to our program coordinator, Caitlin, via email at

How do you integrate SH into your work?

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Register for the Shifting Horizons Certification

The Shifting Horizons Certification is a collaboration between Shifting Horizons and the Vertical Development Institute. Please be aware that registration for this programme includes registration with the Vertical Development Institute and their online learning platform.

Included in Programme:

  • Online, self-paced programme
  • Your own Shifting Horizons Self-Assessment
  • 3 profiles for practice debriefing
  • 1 profile after the programme
  • 2 live group mentoring sessions
  • Participation in the Shifting Horizons Global Community
  • Cost of Programme: 950 US $ (+VAT if applicable)
**If you are certified with another Sentence Completion Test (SCT) assessment (such as the GLP, IMAP, the LDF, Stages), and would like to become a registered Shifting Horizons Facilitator, please contact

Certification overview