Webinar: What Develops in Vertical Development?

Understanding the 'stages of development' is often not enough for effective coaching and leading. In this webinar, we look more deeply at the various 'lines' which make up each stage and learn to spot the unique developmental needs of each coachee/team member.

This learning is for leaders, coaches, facilitators, or L&D experts who have an interest in vertical development, and who may at times feel challenged by the often abstract language and concepts in this field. It seeks to turn the abstract into concrete and the theoretical into practical, by giving practitioners an understanding of what it is precisely that develops in 'vertical development' and how to foster their own and others' growth in practice.
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  • Facillitatated by:
    Alis Anagnostakis (PhD, PCC)
Includes a demo session and downloadable worksheet

What will we learn?

Stages limitations

Why is the notion of 'stages' of development so seductive, yet limiting in practice? 

Value of lines of development

What are 'lines' in adult development and how can we harness their potential in our coaching?

Demo coaching session focusing on lines

We investigate a few key lines of development, such as 'self-awareness', 'motivation', 'power', 'time' or 'attention'. We apply this knowledge in a demo coaching session, to practice recognising and addressing developmental opportunities in ourselves and our clients/teams.
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Alis Anagnostakis

Alis is the founder of the Vertical Development Institute and a Research Fellow at the University of the Sunshine Coast. She is a leadership development facilitator, executive coach, and researcher with over 15 years of experience working with senior leaders and top teams across multiple industries, sectors and countries. 

She has dedicated her professional pursuits to supporting the development of leaders towards later stages of vertical development. Such mature leaders have been shown to thrive in midst of disruption, operate with more wisdom, build adaptive cultures and better balance the inherent polarities of profit, people, and sustainability within their businesses and beyond. 

Alis is certified by the International Coaching Federation at the PCC level, with over 3500 hours of coaching practice. She has trained leaders as professional coaches for over 7 years, with over 250 alumni graduating from her ICF accredited programs. These leaders went on to create communities of practice inside their own organisations and beyond, bridging across industries and sectors and creating ripple effects of positive change.

Alis has a Master's degree in Positive Leadership and Strategy from IE University Spain and a PhD from USC Australia, where she studied leaders’ transformation and the developmental impact of leadership programs in one of the most prestigious executive programs in Australia and NZ. 

As a researcher-practitioner, her main interest is in studying leaders at later (post-conventional) stages of development, given the global need for mental complexity at the highest levels of leadership and the dearth of existing research focusing on these mature (and still relatively rare) stages of adult development. 

Alis’ highest hope is to continue to walk the fine line between rigorous research and the practice of leadership development. She aspires to creatively cross-pollinate between these two spheres of knowledge and help bring vertical development into the mainstream of organisational learning.